Your FOV gets smaller (but that's something you can compensate for with the FOV slider.)but not that important in RBSS since the TTK is so low you probably won't win a 1v1 a +30 degree angle if your enemy has got the jump on you.Hes not wrong, AimLabs has a fraction of the scenarios that Kovaaks has.

Aim lab vs kovaak download#
Your enemies move/strafe faster horizontal (x-axis) but jump slower (y-axis) You could also just download aimlab for free.Using Fortnite Creative aim maps have some advantages over playing an aim trainer like Kovaak’s. Inconsistent mouse movement as your crosshair moves faster on the x-axis (you can compensate this with the vertical sens but even that is not recommended) Sparky offers ranks obtainable according to your skills in the Kovaak 2.Making your screen stretch is making your recoil wider and more harsh to control.That being said, you do know that playing 4:3 stretched has some major downsides besides the fact it looks ugly as ****. First of all - Aimlab is all about feedback, vs Kovaaks which is just there to let you do the same thing over and over again. This also allows you to train on for that matter. If you play stretched, then do the same for your desktop that way you keep your muscle memory consistent at all times.